The 1725A has two vertical preamplifiers for dual-channel operation. Each channel offers a choice of AC, high-Z dc, or 50-ohm input coupling. With the dual trace feature, displays can be obtained on channel A, channel B, or on both channels. Simultaneous display of two signals is possible in either chop or alternate mode of display. A+B and A-B modes are also available. In addition , an X-Y mode of operation is provided; in this mode , the instrument becomes an X-Y display with inputs through channel A (Y-axis) and channel B (X-axis). Sensitivity of each axis is controlled by the channel A or channel B attenuator.
Ten calibrated switch settings on each vertical amplifier provide a deflection factor range from 10 mV/div to 5 V/div in 1, 2, 5 sequence. The vertical verniers permit fine adjustment between calibrated steps and extend the least sensitive deflection factor (5V/div) to at least 12.5 V/div.
Main horizontal amplifier sweep-speed settings from 10 ns/div t0 0.5 s/div are available in a 1, 2, 5 sequence. The main sweep speed is calibrated when SWEEP VERNIER control is in the CAL detent position.
This unit came from a working environment and is operational. Because we cannot do extensive testing on this unit beyond what we describe, it is being sold AS-IS.

*No probes or manuals are included.