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Asus P5NSLI nForce 570 Motherboard
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Asus P5NSLI LGA 775 NVIDIA nForce 570 SLI Intel Edition Motherboard . Asus meets the current and future demands of high-performance, power embedded computing, making it ideal for communications, transaction terminal, interactive client, industrial automation applications, as well as for standard home use.

Manufacturer: Asus
Part Number:

* Please Note: This is an OEM motherboard and it does not come with rear I/O shield also known as back-plate cover. This part is not needed and you can still install the board in standard ATX case.


1 x PS/2 Keyboard
1 x PS/2 Mouse
1 x Parallel
1 x Serial
1 x S/PDIF Out (Coaxial)
1 x RJ45
4 x USB 2.0/1.1
6-Channel Audio I/O





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